Review by Doug Stowe, Author & Arkansas Treasure

Great novel based upon real life.

This book is a great accounting of the confused mental state of young warriors, and the stupidity of war. Is this why we have so many Vietnam war vets who still carry the burdens of that war? Aside from that, Templeton's story of young G.O. Hill and his many compatriots and companions in flight and combat is compelling and engaging. It's a very good read, but one that leaves you thinking. Thinking before we get into such things is better than thinking after such things. But Boot is also a reflection on friendships and what it takes among friends to buoy each other up through such times.

It's a story is not told as a brag, or an apology. It shows G.O.'s journey from bible belt Texas into a wider world in which people of various colors and sexual orientations find acceptance and appreciation from each other.

My advice: buy it, or demand it from your local library, and read it. Doug Stowe — Author & Arkansas Treasurer


What is Real?


Review by Suzanne Howard, Book Maven